Try Mindfulness and Yoga for a More Restful Sleep

Image by Christian Dorn from Pixabay

Holidays are usually a happy occasion, although they can also bring a lot of negative stress. Add the negative stress of the continued pandemic along with loneliness due to ongoing quarantines, and it is a mixture that can cause the soundest sleeper among us to have problems drifting off. Negative stress causes a release of stress hormones that increase the heart rate and change the blood flow. Over a long time, this can cause physical changes including sleep deprivation. Statistics show that Americans are sleep deprived, which is defined as having fewer than seven hours of sleep a night. Sleep deprived adults have increased risk for health conditions such as heart attacks, strokes, and depression.

What Can We Do to Sleep Better and Improve Health?

Reducing negative stress can relax the body from the flight-or-flight state of increased arousal and allow relaxation for better sleep. Mindful meditation has been shown to be beneficial in reducing negative stress effects on the body. Mindfulness meditation is practiced to achieve a greater sense of awareness, wisdom, and a deeper sense of calm. Take time to get comfortable before participating in a mindfulness meditation. Practicing mindfulness before bed could help improve sleep by calming the mind and body. Yoga practiced during the day helps to bring the participant back to the present and to reduce thoughts that lead to negative impacts on health. Remember to follow any care plans your health care practitioner has given to you and not to stop using any prescriptions without speaking to them first. Yoga is a great add on for medical treatment but does not replace it without healthcare provider supervision.

A helpful Mindfulness Meditation Series is available On Demand.

There are 6 sessions: 1) Being Present, 2) Loving Kindness, 3) Joy, 4) Equanimity, 5) Compassion, & 6) Self-Compassion. Each can stand alone and also can be taken as a series over several weeks. On Demand classes are released each Sunday for the week. Sign-up anytime before 9 a.m. on Sundays. HERE is the link.

SAM Sather, a certified yoga therapist (C-IAYT), individualizes the yoga practice with appropriate modifications for participants’ unique bodies and medical histories with a focus on improving health. She offers several live, online class in yoga as well as weekly recorded On Demand classes. SAM also offers private sessions so you can focus on your needs one on one.

Click on the link HERE to sign-up and go to the ‘Classes’ tab to sign-up for any sessions, including Yin Yoga, Joint Freeing Yoga, and Mindful Movement & Yoga Classes.

For the latest schedule on the website, click HERE.

On Demand Line-up for December 20th through 28th & available for signing up:

OD Dec 20.png

For more information about On Demand classes, visit our website page HERE or email us at