Yoga From the Inside Out at Dogwood Studio This Summer Online, In Person, and Expanded Video Library Opportunities Available

Photo by SHVETS production from Pexels

There are many options this summer to keep up with your practice. Our schedule has been updated through September for online and in person classes. Challenge yourself to something new, whether it is taking a class at a different time or checking out one of our wonderful subs. We are here to support you.  

  • Rachel Kubinski will return this summer for In Person classes at the Parlour Wednesdays at 10am in August. Welcome back Rachel! Rachel enjoys creatively incorporating her knowledge of anatomy and kinesiology into her yoga classes. She believes that yoga can and should be accessible to anyone, regardless of their flexibility, age, or strength. Rachel Kubinski, earned a Bachelor of Science in Sports Medicine with a Minor in Dance from Mercyhurst University. She then completed her Doctorate in Physical Therapy at Duke University. Rachel has worked as an outpatient orthopedic and women’s health physical therapist for 12 years. She completed her 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training at Carolina Yoga Company in Carrboro and is certified as a RYT through Yoga Alliance.

  • Enjoy the time for restoration with Online Yin Yoga Tuesdays at 6:30pm in July and August (except August 3rd) with Leesann Shefa. Leesann also teaches Restorative Yin and Yoga Nidra Thursdays at 6:30pm. She is a student of Paul Grilley, founder of Yin Yoga, and Sarah Powers, founder of Insight Yoga. Leesann holds certifications from Hala Khouri and Kyra Hagaland of Trauma Informed Yoga, as well as Jill Ippolito of Uprising Yoga, to teach trauma informed yoga. Leesann is a Reiki Practitioner, and the owner and founder of Ahvana Blue Yoga: Finding your North Star. She is a member of USA Yoga, and holds the 1st place title for the Women Over-50 Division for 2013 and 2014. Leesann placed 3rd nationally in the same division for 2014. 

  • Laura Terry will teach Online Mindful Movement and Yoga Classes Wednesday July 14th and July 21st at 11 am. She will also teach an Online ABS in August. A Physical Therapist since 1998, Laura Terry has practiced in many different settings and with clients with a variety of problems and goals: from people with major neurological disorders and injuries to clients with chronic pain and orthopedic and muscular injuries. Her clients have goals that range from returning to athletic performance, improving balance, to relieving debilitating pain. Laura started practicing yoga in her twenties. In 2008, Laura became a yoga instructor in order to share this benefit with others and to integrate it into her Physical Therapy practice. She has specialized training and experience in yoga for athletes, yoga for seniors, yoga for breast cancer survivors, and yoga for chronic pain. Laura has her own Physical Therapy practice in Chapel Hill.

  • Whitney Wilkerson will be teaching many online Dogwood classes during July and August. Joint Freeing, ABS and Mindful Movement.  Whitney is a Yoga Educator, E-RYT 500, and Balance Through Movement Founder. With a focus on behavioral change and compassion-based interventions, Whitney is a National Board Certified Health and Wellness coach working in leadership developments. She supports clients to build and maintain physical, emotional and spiritual health through inquire mindful awareness and somatic exploration. Discover more about Whitney here. Join her for her first class at Dogwood Studios July 29th at 9am for Online ABS.

  • Aviva Tulasi will teach some online Joint Freeing, online Mindful Movement Classes and In Person Yoga at the Botanical Gardens in July. Aviva will also be doing TEAM teaching with Sam. You might have practiced alongside Aviva this year. She is a 200 hr yoga instructor who is currently enrolled in a IYAT certified 800 hour yoga therapy program. Aviva interned at Dogwood Studio in 2020. Aviva includes safe versions of Sun Salutations in each of her classes. 

  • Online Ageless Balance and Strength (ABS) resumes July 19th with Sam and Aviva Team Teaching. Sam will be instructing as Aviva performs the moves on camera. The classes will be workshop-style to be sure you get a lot of practice time. The team teaching will continue in July and August for some In Person Classes at the Parlour, Online ABS and Online Mindful Movement.

Thanks to all of our subs, we only cancelled a few classes during the summer. Thanks for your support!

For our latest schedule on the website, click HERE

Do You Have a Busy Summer Schedule? The July On Demand Library has been released with an increased amount of videos! Here is more information and the line-up. 

  • Each month we place a new line up of videos in the library each month. Usually 4 of each and many extras. The July Video Library has 6 ABS classes, 6 Mindful Movement & Yoga classes, 6 Yin Yoga Classes, and 6 Joint Freeing Yoga classes available. Plus the Bending and Knee Workshop videos. As well as the Mindfulness Meditation Video series.  

New Registration Platform (Ribbon), coming later in July, and an opportunity for a Sneak Peak at the New Dogwood Video Library in Ribbon! To better serve you, as we announced in the last Newsletter, we are moving to a better system and away from MindBody (the registration system we currently use to purchase and sign-up). You do not have to do anything new at this time to sign-up for classes, purchase private sessions or use a membership. Stay tuned; we will keep adding to the information on this page. By the way, in Ribbon you can rent a single video . . . More soon. 

You will learn more over the next few weeks. To keep updated:

IN PERSON Events: FIFTEEN (15)- In Person Classes happening July 28th through December 15th

Now Posted for the Fall. Registration is Open. Space Is Limited to 15. 

For questions, contact and we are here to help.

SAM Sather, founder of Dogwood Studios, is a certified yoga therapist (C-IAYT), individualizes the yoga practice with appropriate modifications for participants’ unique bodies and medical histories with a focus on finding calm and improving health. She offers several live, online class in yoga as private sessions so you can focus on your needs one-on-one.