Ground yourself with Yoga and Meditation this Fall

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Written by Aviva Tulasi

Fall is a good time to practice self care that nourishes and warms the body and mind. Grounding practices of yoga and meditation help you keep your balance as Nature around us starts to prepare for winter because our bodies and our minds are also preparing for winter. Just like we balance out our active Yang practice with a calming Yin practice, we need to balance the variability of fall with grounding and nourishing activities to keep us rooted. Fall is the time to let go of the heat and intensity of the summer and embrace the heaviness that is approaching. We can find our balance between summer and winter’s energy by making self care an intentional aspect of our daily routine.

Self-care routines make times of transition less scary. Our yoga and meditation practices equip us to accept change. You might find that you start everyday like we do in our yoga classes with turning inwards and maybe hugging your shoulders. Or you could consider grounding yourself with meditation. 

Dogwood Studios offers Chakra Meditation every Friday at 12:30 pm EST. No experience is needed to join Chakra Meditation. You can even explore the Meditation Practice at your convenience with a video from our Learning Library which offers 3 Chakra Meditations each month. During Chakra Meditation, Sam guides all levels of practitioners to mentally focus on inner body awareness of our spine along the 7 main chakras centers with a goal to cultivate more calm to support the balance between energy and awareness.

Sign up for Chakra Meditation or any other of our yoga classes Here

We have extended our Fall video library offer until October 19! Use the discount code GREEN50FALL when you Purchase a GREEN Subscription for 50% off Green Subscription for the first 30 days. $20 gives you unlimited access to all the On Demand Videos in the library for each month to take at convenient times for you.

  • After the first 30 days from the date of purchase, auto-pay is automatically enabled for the full price of $40. 

  • Cancel anytime. You can easily cancel anytime from your Dashboard before the next payment. For example if you purchase a subscription on September 20th, an autopay is charged on October 20th, but you could cancel the autopay on October 19th.

We have updated our Online Classes prices and class packages.

  • Single ONLINE class $11

  • 5 Online Classes $50

  • 10 Online Classes $90

  • Purchase class packages on our website.

Aviva Tulasi is a yoga instructor who is one month away from finishing her IYAT certified 800 hour yoga therapy program. Join Aviva Tulasi in an exploration of digesting well with Yoga for Digestive Health online for 3 sessions, once a week, Tuesday 9am-11am EST: September 29, October 5 and October 12. You can sign up for all, one or two of the sessions to learn how healthy eating habits impact your digestive health and your overall well being. If you have any questions, contact and Aviva can help.

SAM Sather, founder of Dogwood Studios, is a certified yoga therapist (C-IAYT), individualizes the yoga practice with appropriate modifications for participants’ unique bodies and medical histories with a focus on finding calm and improving health. She offers several live, online class in yoga as private sessions so you can focus on your needs one-on-one.