
Therapeutic Yin Yoga for Any-Body: Lunchtime Learning Series

Therapeutic Yin Yoga for Any-Body: Lunchtime Learning Series

Yin yoga incorporates the opportunity to spend more time in lying, kneeling and seated yoga poses. This practice provides an environment where we can spend time nourishing the deeper layers of the body and energy meridians, while incorporating mindfulness practices to support calming of the mind and nervous system.

Yoga Promotes Overall Wellness

Yoga Promotes Overall Wellness

Since attending my first yoga class a little over a decade ago, I have become a healthier individual. I am stronger. I digest my food better. I am more confident and connect better with others. I am more aware of how I move and have maintained my flexibility. I have found my sense of spirituality and embrace opportunities to be in community. I have learned to accept my emotions and noticed that I am more balanced. I make myself a priority and don’t overextend myself. I continue to become healthier each day despite continuing to age. Yoga is not the only factor that enhanced my overall wellbeing. However, yoga was the catapult that promoted me to start making changes.

Slow Breathing with Extended Exhalation Can Reduce Intense Negative Emotions

Slow Breathing with Extended Exhalation Can Reduce Intense Negative Emotions

We need tools to reduce the intense negative emotions and return to a state of calm to promote clarity of what is true. What’s an easy tool to use? Slow Breathing with an Extended Exhale. For the month of June, you can practice slow extended exhalation using this Guided Extended Exhalation in our video library for free

Join Dogwood Studios This Spring: Workshops & More In Person Class Choices

Join Dogwood Studios This Spring: Workshops & More In Person Class Choices

Spring is a time of growth and change. Nature is getting ready for summer. Rain and bright floral fragrances are becoming part of our lives again. You might notice a heaviness to your body in the morning as the body also readies itself to blossom. Practicing yoga is a great way to counteract the grounding energy of spring. Dogwood Studios is here to support you during this season of transition.

Yoga is Linked to the Reduction of Inflammation.

Yoga is Linked to the Reduction of Inflammation.

The World Health Organization defines health as complete well-being in terms of physical, mental and social, and not merely the absence of disease. Yoga with its mind-body approach can address all facets of healing. Although yoga isn’t a miracle cure, yoga offers many tools to positively impact your health. Many studies have pointed out that yoga is linked to the reduction of inflammation.

Group Meditation Offers Positive Benefits for Your Wellbeing

Group Meditation Offers Positive Benefits for Your Wellbeing

Scientists have been studying the differences between the brains of Iamas and others who spend numerous hours in meditation and found stark differences in the structure of their brains. It would take a dissertation to explain all of the neurological benefits the studies have reported, however, in short we can say that brain research shows that meditation is beneficial to our overall physical health and emotional well-being.